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  4. Why can’t I see the same loan as my co-worker?
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  4. Why can’t I see the same loan as my co-worker?

Why can’t I see the same loan as my co-worker?

IncomeXpert has the concept of roles and enforces these via a Role Manager feature.  These roles control what permissions users with that role have. One of the permissions in the role manager controls what files you can see. Thus, some users with different roles may see different loans in their IncomeXpert screen.

IncomeXpert also support multiple types of loan files.  These additional file types are typically used for employee loans, or special clients.  The role manager allows you to tailor the visibility of these types of loans, in addition to normal loan files.

If for some reason you need to see a file but can’t seem to find it this is likely due to a roles management setting.

Contact your company IT administrator to review your role settings. There is a permission that allows users to see All Files or Only Your Own files. Granting this permission will allow users to see all files in the branch they are located. To view files in other branches, the user must be a member of the parent branch. Members of the parent branch can see all loans in the child branches to that parent.

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