
Saving Income

On each income the Save / Calculate button is located inside the Income Analysis section.  See image below for one example.   When users should click the Save/Calculate Button When finished entering income data and you are ready to analyze income When different income analysis radio button has been selected As a best practice, when navigating […]

Multiple users in a loan

Effective July 1, 2023 IncomeXpert implemented controls to eliminate concurrent or simultaneous access of a loan by multiple users. When does a loan lock or unlock? Locking or unlocking of the loan is done automatically without additional intervention. Successfully opening a loan will lock the loan and prevent others from accessing it. Intentionally exiting the […]

Grossing up income

IncomeXpert supports the grossing up of income outlined in the guidelines.  The amount the income can be grossed up depends on the agency guidelines selected.  The reason for this adjustment of income is that mortgage qualification is based on gross income, not net income.  Since the ratios used in the mortgage industry (commonly 28/36 for […]

Privacy Policy

Overview We have strict standards of security to safeguard your data and that of your borrowers.  We have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards in place to control and safeguard sensitive information.  We feel security starts by keeping employee access limited.  Thus we follow a least-privledge model for employees as well as client access to data.  […]

How to set up single sign on for IncomeXpert

What is SSO? SSO is an acronym that stands for single sign-on.  Single sign-on allows user to one set of login credentials to access multiple applications.  Much like a password manger which stores your login details and automatically logs you into a website, SSO can be used by companies to centralize the login, and user […]

Why was overtime, bonus, commission, or tips not determined?

The number one email we get from our clients working with employed borrowers on IncomeXpert PLUS is “My borrower has overtime (or any other variable income) why didn’t IncomeXpert PLUS add in these income types?” The agencies state in the document requirements section for variable income to either get a VOE or “most recent pay […]

IncomeXpert PLUS Supported Income Types

IncomeXpert PLUS allows users to upload borrower tax returns and income documentation. IncomeXpert supports all agency income types, however IncomeXpert PLUS only supports the following subset. All uploaded documents must meet the the following document requirements. Documents containing unsupported income types will not result in income calculators being created or populated with data. Supported Income […]

Setting up user groups (aka cost center)

User groups (aka cost center) can be set up by account administrators to facilitate more granular detail when downloading usage reports. Groups can be defined by the account administrator and allocated to a user. Users can only be a member of one group. Once a user is a member of a group, this information is […]

How to calculate social security income

Borrowers who have contributed to the US Government Social Security program may qualify for retirement, disability, or survivors benefits.  The contributions for this program are collected by your employer’s payroll provider, or if the borrower is self-employed, it is collected via the 1040 tax forms along with other federal taxes. When a borrower is using […]

How is income calculated for mortgages?

The process of analysis of a borrower’s income for mortgages is one of the best documented processes in the lending world. Regardless of the investor or agency that is offering the loan, an overwhelming majority of them follow these four principles to determine how income is calculated for mortgages. Principle # 1: Income must reasonably continue […]