Help your team, and stop making guideline errors, income calculation errors, and data entry errors.
Whatever your error rate is now, we bet we can reduce it further. Industry surveys indicate income accounts for 23% of all loan errors.
Shift the risk from your company, to ours. We provide full reps and warrants on income analysis. Learn More.
We are integrated with Fannie Mae Income Calculator, so you can also get reps and warrants from FNMA for some income types.
Slow throughput? One loan per day? Two? Our clients report 2x or 3x increases after adopting IncomeXpert with their sales and operations teams.
Sales uses the same income tool as operations, unqualified borrowers are identified early, and the arguing over income ends.
As a manager you end up being on the front line of arguments between team members. IncomeXpert quells those battles three different ways.
First, we are workflow based. That means early in the loan lifespan sales can enter data and prep the loan file. Later, when the loan is handed off to underwriting the loan is locked for non-underwriters.
IncomeXpert has a role manager which gives you power to adjust what each user can see and edit.
Second, we track all changes to the loan file and make the change log visible to all users. No more sneaky changes that nobody knows how they got there.
Lastly, we have fully documented income analysis. What does that mean? We show HOW we arrived at the final income, we show the intermediate calculations, trending analysis, and advisories that shape how the final income was determined. This significantly cuts down on battles over income.
IncomeXpert works while your team sleeps. Our software can scan and analyze income documents as soon as they come available from your borrower. Completed income analysis can be ready for your team to review when they arrive in the morning. Learn More
IncomeXpert shifts the risk out of your lap, and onto ours. Through our Reps and Warrants, as well as Fannie Mae Income Calculator, you can remove the risk of income repurchase demands from your organization.
IncomeXpert and FNMA Income Calculator both offer reps and warrants on the income calculations. However IncomeXpert goes further, and offers reps and warrants on guideline compliance and data entry. Additionally IncomeXpert provides reps and warrants for all income on the loan file, where FNMA Income Calculator only provides reps and warrants for selected income types. Learn More.