
IncomeXpert For Loan Officers

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Qualifying Income faster

Tired of reading tax returns and paystubs when you should be selling? Upload tax returns and pay stubs and get a full report and qualifying income in minutes. Find out early if this borrower can qualify.

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Safe qualifying income

IncomeXpert gives Loan Officers the ability to calculate income just like the underwriters, but with a few restrictions.  This ensures loan officers don’t end up with an over stated income, make a client mad, and lose a deal.

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Easy Handoff

By using IncomeXpert to qualify your borrower, you now have a perfect hand off to underwriting.  You have the borrower’s income analyzed, you just need the underwriter to approve it.  That speeds up the process and gets your borrower to closing faster.

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Qualify Faster

Do you hate wasting time on borrowers that can’t qualify?  Underwriters hate it too, and pushing unqualified borrowers through the process slows down the process for everyone.

Using IncomeXpert PLUS you can get a qualifying income quickly and move your deal forward.  Learn More

Calculate Safely

You are in the relationship business, not the tax business. Leave the income analysis to us and just point us at the tax documents and pay stubs.  We will give you a safe qualifying income that your underwriter won’t dispute.

IncomeXpert provides a recommended income value that is compliant with all guidelines along with advisories, if needed.

Handoff Like a Boss

What happens when you had off a complex mess of documents to your underwriter?  They dread sorting through the stacks of information and put off looking at the mess.  What if you handed off a complete income analysis ready for underwriting approval?  How much faster do you think it will turn around?

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