
Time’s up on distributions

NOTICE:  Due to regulation changes the content of this article is no longer current.  

For years FNMA’s guidelines for self-employed borrowers who receive income on the K-1 form (either 1065 or 1120S business types) was at best loosely followed.  The guidelines required that if you were using income from lines 1, 2, 3 and cash flow adjustments the underwriter was required to take this next step (this is the part that has been loosely followed).  The underwriter was to document a stable history of receiving regular cash distributions from the business consistent with the level of business income being used to qualify

Where are distributions going for FNMA?

Full disclosure, this next statement is not an official statement but I have heard from several independent sources that FNMA is going to crack down on proper evaluation of the K-1 income with all mortgage applications dated February 1st, 2016 and later.

So the next question is “ok what does properly evaluating K-1 income mean and how do I qualify borrowers on distributions or ordinary income?”  After talking to several respectable sources and reviewing the FNMA guidelines (B3-3.2.1-08 in FNMA Allregs), here is the best practices I found to help answer that question for you and your company.

Evaluate K-1 income with the following steps:

1) Using a cash flow analysis form (CFA) total the income from the K-1 lines 1, 2, and 3.  Special note guaranteed payments on the 1065 line 4 and W-2 wages for both business types are separate income and are not affected by distributions.

2) If the borrower has 25% or greater ownership complete the business adjustments on the CFA and add that total to the K-1 income from step 1.

3) Compare the total on step 2 to the distributions on the K-1 (1065 Line 19a and 1120S Line 16D) if the ordinary income is at least equal to the distributions then use the ordinary income on the CFA.  Per FNMA nothing further is needed here in regards to documentation.

4) If the distributions are lower than the ordinary income here are a few options to consider

a) Use the distribution number instead of the ordinary income number (in other words you are using the lessor of ordinary income versus distributions) no further documents will be required.

b) If the borrower will not qualify on the lower distribution number and you need to use the ordinary income number follow these steps.  You will need document two things, first that the borrower does have access to the income, and second the business has adequate liquidity to pay that income.

Step 4b is where things become risky, there is no current guidance from either agency on what is exactly acceptable for documentation for access to the funds, or what is acceptable to prove the business has adequate liquidity.  One suggestion I can offer on adequate liquidity is to use a standard solvency test, if the business can show acceptable solvency after paying out the ordinary income that would seem to indicate the business had adequate liquidity to pay the distributions.

I hope this blog has helped provide some options on how to handle the distributions.  I would like to hear from you on best practices on evaluating K-1 income.  Please leave some comments on your process, insight, or ideas.

5 Responses

  1. Michael,

    First of all, thank you for your service to our country. I have been in the mortgage industry for over 40 years and although I am “retired”, I have a very small business in quality control with my daughter. I subscribed to your blog and have started enjoying reading it. I see that you have articles going back to 2014 and am going to read them all. It is hard keeping up with the changes in the industry, but you are making it easier for me. Thank you.

  2. Michael,
    Thank you for the great updates, recaps and especially analysis of the changes going on in the mortgage industry. Your articles are right on point and I enjoy reading them.
    Thank you

  3. Question… If you have NO distribution in 2016 and distribution in 2017, would it be acceptable to average the 24 months or must you have 2 years distribution to show consistency?

    1. Hi Megan

      Distributions are part of each year analysis, so the same rule about distributions supporting income applies like income trending (analyze each year separately and confirm a stable income trend… increase or stable requires 2 years… slight decline would be most recent year only). If you don’t count the K-1 lines 1,2,3, and cash flow adjustmetns for 2016 and count them for 2017 but work a 24 month average that works.

  4. Grossing a tax free pension question. I’ve been a licensed Real Estate Broker for over 40 years. I feel I’m pretty knowledgeable. In my youth I was a police officer. Got hurt on the job and was forced to take a medical retirement. I get a tax free pension for life. The 1099-R as well as all my tax returns prove it is tax free. I’m in the middle of refinancing my home. I need the pension to be grossed up to qualify.
    About 2 years ago, I voluntarily asked for $500 a month to be taken out of my monthly checks to pay towards the IRS. I sucked at saving to pay my quarterlies so figured this was a great idea. Even so, the pension 1099 still shows it to be non-taxable.

    Here’s the problem. The underwriter all of a sudden said that since I’m having taxes taken out, even though she knows it’s at my request, she can no longer treat this as a tax free income and refuses to gross up the income. I think she is wrong. What can I do? thank you

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