
How to setup an automated income workflow

As an operations professional, you know that automated income analysis can make your organization run more smoothly and efficiently.  However, did you know that some of the more forward thinking lenders are using automation to help out their colleagues in sales?  Let’s back up.  Sales needs to be able to correctly qualify a potential borrower.  […]

Income Calculation vs. Income Analysis

How to calculate qualifying income?  That phrase is uttered by many mortgage professionals, but the term is incorrect.  The truth is many lenders focus on calculating income and fail to analyze the income.  Aren’t they the same thing?  Not really, and here is why.  Calculating income is what you can do with your ubiquitous spreadsheet.  […]

Compliance and buybacks

Underwriting is tough.  Underwriters have a mountain of information to remember and apply correctly on each and every loan they touch.  Straight memorization, or rote memorization, is what we learned in our school days with flash cards and spelling words.  Through hours of practice and application we were able to move that information from our […]

Linked Income – Webinar

March 20, 2024 12pm EST IncomeXpert now supports linking past employment with the current employment.  This solves the problem of borrowers who have variable income and have switched jobs recently.  Previously IncomeXpert had a Change Of Jobs income type to accomplish this scenario.  Linked Income replaces Change Of Jobs in IncomeXpert.  Linked Income has expanded […]

Adjust Selected Income

Overview The Adjust Selected Income feature will allow users with this permission to choose an income that was not recommended by IncomeXpert.  The purpose of this feature is for companies to grant permission to certain users to deviate from the recommend values of IncomeXpert.  These examples may include declining income that user feels is within […]

Document Upload Interface

February 1, 2024 Blueprint is updating the user interface and the API for uploading tax and income documents when utilizing IncomeXpert PLUS.  If you are not currently using IncomeXpert PLUS, this change notice won’t impact you.  If your team does use IncomeXpert PLUS, you will need to disseminate this information to those users and development […]

Can you use cash tips as income?

Yes, tip income can be used as part of your qualification, provided that these tips are properly reported. It’s important to note that any income NOT documented by a third party, such as paychecks, Verification of Employment (VOE) forms, or tax returns, cannot be utilized to qualify. For all major agencies and program types, it […]

Documenting 3 Years of Pension Continuance | Blueprint

A common issue in mortgage operations teams is a habit I call “Guideline Lumping.” This is when we don’t slow down and read the detailed statements in the guidelines. A fast reading has us applying these rules across the board, when they might not be applicable. Because pensions are listed under guidelines in the “Retirement, […]

Retirement of Pay-as-you-go tier

Notice Date: Oct 9, 2023 We have made the difficult decision to discontinue our Pay-As-You-Go Premium tier, effective December 31, 2023. To continue using IncomeXpert beyond December 31, 2023, we users will need to reach out to customer support to opt into a new tier of service. If no action is taken,  your account will […]

Retirement of Debt Functionality

Notice Date: Oct 6, 2023 Effective December 1, 2023 IncomeXpert will retire the Debt page.  IncomeXpert remains committed to our primary goal of providing the most comprehensive income analysis solution for the mortgage industry.  We considered the low utilization of the debt functionality and made the decision to remove the Debt functionality and focus purely […]